Next Editor Named


For the past 12 years, it has been my privilege and honor to serve as the editor of the Journal of Social Media in Society. I have exciting news about the next chapter in the journal’s history: Dr. Lora Helvie-Mason will take the helm as Editor-in-Chief.

Dr. Helvie-Mason has been with the journal since its inception. As one of our inaugural Review Board Members, she was among the first to support the journal’s mission to create a space for social media research.  She brings an unwavering dedication to upholding the highest standards of scholarship. She is a Full Professor in the Communication Studies Department at Tarleton State University, a Member of the Texas A&M System. 

Additionally, we’re excited to announce that Dr. Therese Pennell, of Praire View A&M University, will become an Associate Editor. She joins Dr. Jennifer Dias, Texas Christian University, who has been an Associate Editor since 2021.

This summer begins our transition and you’ll begin to see emails and messages from Dr. Helvie-Mason ( I will remain a contributing editor this summer and my email will shift to Please do not panic if you receive an email bounce-back on my university account; message through the JSMS online system or email or

I sincerely thank you for all of your contributions and support of this idea that began in Davis Hall on the Tarleton campus in Stephenville, Texas. With all of your readership, submissions, and reviews (lots of reviews!), you made the 12 years possible. I look forward to the journal’s continued growth and success!

-Sarah Maben