Upgrade Complete


Dear JSMS authors, reviewers, readers, and supporters,

We are happy to report that our site has been upgraded to the latest OJS/PKP system. You will notice a new look, and a more user-friendly and mobile-friendly interface. http://thejsms.org

With this change, you may need to clear your browser history, and previously sent quick-links will no longer function. You will need to go to the main page and log in.

  • For published authors, hyperlinks will have changed and you will need to refresh links you have on blogs, university websites, social media, etc.
  • For authors with manuscripts in the system, you will need to log in to the system via the primary URL and not a quick-link from previous correspondence. More about the changes in the system for authors: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/learning-ojs/en/authoring
  • For our reviewers, links in request emails sent before June 23, 2021, will no longer work. If you log in through http://thejsms.org, your assignments will show on your dashboard. Or contact me, and I can send a new link. More about the changes in the system for reviewers: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/learning-ojs/en/reviewing

In other news, we are pleased to announce two new Associate Editors. Dr. Christy Tabors and Dr. Jennifer Dias have joined our team. You may receive correspondence from them from time to time.

Our second special issue will publish in Spring 2022, with a focus on the intersection of social media and health. Editors Amber Harris Bozer, Matt Laurent, and Andrew Wolfe are working on it now.

We are beginning to create infographics to showcase on Twitter for published manuscripts. Look for them on @The_JSMS.

We hope you are well,

Sarah on behalf of the Editorial Team