The impact of advertising irritation on purchase intention among social media users


  • Ronald Coyle Independent Scholar


structure equation modeling, marketing, advertising, sem, Advertising Irritation


This study looks at how brand awareness quantitatively impacts consumers’ purchase intentions while simultaneously assessing whether advertising irritation detracts consumers’ purchase intent.  Data was collected from 335 study participants via an online questionnaire. Study participants consisted of a purposive sample of consumers over 18 years old with a presence on other social media platforms in addition to Facebook (e.g., TikTok, internet forums, Metaverse, etc.). A cleansed data set was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling via the software SmartPLS.  Key findings show that brand awareness positively impacts purchase intention among online consumers. Furthermore, this study alludes to the importance of the further study of demotivating variables (e.g., advertising irritation).  This study contributes to advertising irritation literature and provides a structure to better understand what drives consumers to dislike advertising more.  Marketing managers can use data from the research to better understand purchase intention drivers and demotivating factors among consumers using social media. 


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