The role of Uses and Gratifications in inappropriate social media posting

An exploratory study


  • Robert Miller Central Michigan University
  • James Melton Central Michigan University
  • Christine Witt Central Michigan University


Social Media, Inappropriate Posting, Cybervetting, Uses and Gratifications


This study explores uses and gratifications (U&G) as a mechanism to better understand inappropriate posting by students on social media platforms. A cross-sectional survey of undergraduate college students (N=152) measured participants’ motivations for using different social media platforms and their degree of inappropriate posting on each platform. Specifically, the current research explores the relationship between students’ motivations to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat and their level of general inappropriate posting. Further research was conducted to investigate the relationship between students’ motivations to use each social media platform and eight specific types of faux pas content. Findings show that U&G motivations differ by platform with some motivations being significantly related to general inappropriate posting.  The results also indicate that U&G motivations are significantly related to specific types of inappropriate content.  These relationships differed by platform, with Twitter having the most relationships between motivations and inappropriate content. The study results will inform future studies while also making it possible to design better interventions to prevent further faux pas posting by students.


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