A Mixed Methods Examination of 21st Century Hiring Processes, Social Networking Sites, and Implicit Bias


  • Troy Elias University of Oregon
  • Laurie P. Honda University of Oregon
  • Megan Kimmel University of Florida
  • JungWon Chun University of Florida


Advertising, social networking sites (SNSs), LinkedIn, impression formation, implicit bias, third person effect


General U.S. hiring practices have evolved with the emergence of online social networking sites (SNSs) despite a lag in formal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission mandates. This mixed methods study examines hiring professionals’ use of SNSs in hiring determinations across a variety of industries as well as within advertising agencies specifically. The latter of which focuses primarily on hiring procedures for account executives. Online survey data from 300 hiring professionals demonstrate reliance upon SNSs during various stages of the hiring process for candidate hiring and rejection, and interview data from 12 agency hiring professionals across the U.S. reveal similar findings in the ad industry. Within the ad industry, which is actively trying to recruit and retain a diverse workforce, a shift appears to have occurred away from hiring professionals’ explicit biases to implicit biases against racial and ethnic minority candidates whose demographic information is often publicly displayed via their digital footprints. Managerial implications for impression formation, implicit bias, and third person effects in the hiring and retention of minority employees in the ad industry are discussed.

Author Biographies

Troy Elias, University of Oregon

Troy Elias (Ph.D., The Ohio State University) is an Assistant Professor in the Advertising sequence at the School of Journalism and Communications at the University of Oregon.

Laurie P. Honda, University of Oregon

Laurie P. Honda (Ph.D., University of North Carolina) is an Assistant Professor in the Public Relations sequence at the School of Journalism and Communications at the University of Oregon.

Megan Kimmel, University of Florida

Megan Kimmel (B.A., University of Florida) is a second year M.A. student in the Department of Advertising at the University of Florida.

JungWon Chun, University of Florida

JungWon Chun is a first year Ph.D. student in the Department of Advertising at the University of Florida.


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