Pin it for Yourself: Women’s Health and Fitness Content on Pinterest


  • Lindsey Conlin The University of Southern Mississippi
  • Dylan McLemore Auburn University at Montgomery
  • Xueying Zhang The University of Alabama
  • Bijie Bie The University of South Carolina
  • Kim Bissell The University of Alabama


Pinterest, health and fitness, appearance


The current study examined content and images in Pinterest’s Health & Fitness category.  Unlike women’s magazines, Pinterest content has no editors deciding what content appears; instead, users generate and share content directly with other users.  Findings indicated that Pinterest users more frequently see models with more realistic body types, as opposed to the ultra-thin models presented by traditional women’s magazines.  Thin models received fewer repins and likes, indicating negative feedback from users on excessively thin models in exercise and health content.  Additionally, the majority of content focused on exercise, with a lesser emphasis on recipes and general health.  Pinterest may represent a space for women, controlled by women.


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