Effects of Facebook News Reception on Threat Perceptions and Personality Traits in German Speaking Countries
Facebook, news reception, dual process motivational model, threat perceptions, right-wing authoritarianismAbstract
Based on the dual process motivational model (Duckitt, 2001) and cultivation research (Gerbner, 1969), this study analyzes news reception on Facebook and its consequences for the recipient’s world view, right-wing authoritarianism, and threat perceptions in Germany. An online survey was completed by 429 Facebook users. Results demonstrate that Facebook news reception is relatively low but as predicted influenced by duration and intensity of Facebook use. No correlation occurred with general interest in news, which supports the idea that people find news coincidentally. Regression analyses revealed significant positive influences of duration on perceived economy-based threat and negative world view. The effects of news reception partly correspond to the findings of cultivation research; however, contrary findings appear with right-wing authoritarianism.
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