When Image Isn’t Everything: The Effects of Instagram Frames on Social Comparison


  • Jennifer Lewallen University of Missouri


Social media, social comparison, framing theory, media effects, women


In recent years visual social media have become increasingly popular mechanisms for communication.  Past research suggests links between using social media, upward social comparison, and negative affect.  The present online experiment of U.S. women (N = 58) takes a media psychology approach to understanding how text frames on image-based social media contribute to social comparison and perceptions of the self. Findings suggest that individuals who were in a body-positive experimental condition reported higher levels of self-esteem than did the women in a body-negative experimental condition. Those in the negative conditions ranked significantly higher on state social comparison with the images than those in the positive condition. Additionally, women who compared themselves to the women in the experimental images were also more likely to fantasize that they could achieve the look and lifestyle of the women featured in the images. Findings are discussed in light of framing theory and social comparison theory and suggestions are made for future experimental work.

Author Biography

Jennifer Lewallen, University of Missouri

Jennifer Lewallen (PhD, University of Missouri) is a post doctoral fellow in the Department of Communication and the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri.  She examines representations of women and non-dominant cultural groups in popular media and the influence of media on perceptions of the self and other.  


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