Employers' Use of Social Networking Sites in the Selection Process


  • Stephanie L. Black University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Andrew F. Johnson University of Texas at San Antonio


employers, social networking sites, social media


Organizations are increasingly turning to social networking websites for insight into prospective employees. While existing research addresses many of the facets of human resource selection, the context of social networking sites is unique. Issues such as privacy, appearance, stigmas, and discrimination require study in the context of social networking to bridge past research with evolving practice. This article discusses human resource practices as they relate to the use of social networking sites for hiring purposes. The authors present an overview of social networking sites, briefly discuss applicable existing literature, offer relevant theory and propositions, discuss potential impacts on stakeholders, suggest guidelines for practitioners, and conclude with future research directions.

Author Biographies

Stephanie L. Black, University of Texas at San Antonio

Stephanie Black is a doctoral student in Organization and Management Studies in the Department of Management.

Andrew F. Johnson, University of Texas at San Antonio

Andrew Johnson is a doctoral student in Organization and Management Studies in the Department of Management.


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