Self-monitoring, Covert Narcissism, and Sex as Predictors of Self-presentational Activities on Facebook


  • Pavica Sheldon University of Alabama in Huntsville


narcissism, self-monitoring, Facebook, photographs, social media


The popularity of photo sharing on social networking sites has steadily increased in the United States over the last decade. Some research suggests that this increase in photo sharing correlates to an increase in narcissism, or an excessive interest in oneself and one’s physical appearance. This study tested how self-monitoring, narcissism, and gender are related to photo-related activities on Facebook. Results revealed that high self-monitors engaged more often in the self-presentational opportunities on Facebook, including posting their own photographs and liking and commenting on other people’s photos. Similarly, people who scored higher on narcissism were more likely to engage in all those activities as well. However, compared to self-monitoring, narcissism could better explain photo-related activities on Facebook. In addition, sex differences emerged when it came to commenting on friends’ photos. 

Author Biography

Pavica Sheldon, University of Alabama in Huntsville

Assistant Professor


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