Twitter as a classroom tool: Exploring the use, benefits, and downfalls from the perspectives of instructors and students


  • Rebecca DiVerniero Dixie State University
  • Angela M. Hosek Emerson College


Twitter, social networking, classroom


Recently, the educational community has become aware of Twitter and begun to use it as a pedagogical tool. Yet, using these tools within a course is not enough to ensure positive outcomes. Thus, more research is needed to understand the perceived benefits and downfalls of its integration in the classroom context. To this end, the present study examined (a) how instructors are using Twitter and (2) compares and contrasts instructors and students perceptions of the benefits and downfalls of using Twitter in the classroom. Practical applications and directions for future research are discussed.

Author Biographies

Rebecca DiVerniero, Dixie State University

Rebecca DiVerniero (Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2010) is an assistant professor in the Communication Studies Department at Dixie State University.

Angela M. Hosek, Emerson College

Angela Hosek (Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln) is an assistant professor in the Communication Studies Department at Emerson College.


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