Impact of Internet Use on Social Capital: Testing Putnam’s Theory of Time Displacement in Urban Pakistan


  • Abdul Siraj Senior Professor, Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan


Usage of internet, time displacement, Social Capital, Virtual Communication


There is a rapid growth of information technology in Pakistan and the use of social media in urban Pakistan. This study analyzes the impact of Internet use by the young individuals and its relationship with the social capital and interpersonal behavior. The study reveals that Internet uses affect the youth and displaces them physically from the social capital but on the other hand the users are socially getting closer virtually with the society. Other impacts of the use of Internet are withdrawal of interest in the national development, family affairs and community matters. The study confirms the Putnam theory of time displacement and its effects social capital.

Author Biography

Abdul Siraj, Senior Professor, Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan

Professor Syed Abdul Siraj (PhD) is Dean Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and Chair Mass Communication at the Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan. He carries over 30 years of teaching and research experience at University level. He has been visiting scholar at foreign and national Universities. Dr. Siraj holds Masters’ in Journalism with distinction, Doctorate in Mass Communication (Pakistan) and Post-Doctorate at the Southern Illinois University Carbondale (USA). He has vast experience of curriculum development in the field of Media studies. Dr. Siraj has authored over 40 research papers published in national and international research journals. Produced books on Mass Communication as well as contributed chapters. Participated in National and International Conferences. He is member Mass Communication societies/forum at national and international levels. The author can be contacted at his email address: cell 092-3335209369


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