Social Media and Shaping Voting Behavior of Youth: The Scottish Referendum 2014 Case


  • Saba Munir Fatima Jinnah Women University


Social media, Voting behavior, Political information, Young voters, Referendum


This study analyzes the role of social media in shaping voting behavior of youth in the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014. Findings from a survey of inhabitants of Scotland and England (n=985) indicate that the social media is composed of limited self- selected members (especially Facebook). Young voters seek information from like-minded political experts on social media. The politically aware young voters are more efficient and active than their less politically aware counterparts with respect to gaining political information. Social media were effective in changing voting behavior of young voters in Scottish Referendum 2014.


Author Biography

Saba Munir, Fatima Jinnah Women University

Lecturer, Communication and Media Studies

Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 



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