Are Busy People More or Less Likely to Use Social Networking Sites (SNSs)?: Prosumption, Time Budget, and SNS activities
Prosumption, Time Budget, Social Networking Site, Uses and GratificationsAbstract
This study investigated social networking site (SNS) activities from a prosumption-time budget perspective, which is the combination of the prosumption and time budget perspectives. SNS activities were categorized into three groups: SNS consumption activities, SNS production activities, and total SNS activities. The associations between work time and the frequencies of these three kinds of SNS activities were examined. Data for the empirical analysis were collected through a mail and web survey with a sample of 253 respondents and a sample of 394 college students in the Midwest United State from September to November, 2012. Significant correlations between work time and SNS production frequency were found for the two samples. Significant correlation between work time and total SNS activity frequency was found for the student sample. These significant correlations suggest a new pattern that has not been revealed by previous studies: busier people are more active in SNSs.References
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Zhang, X. & Ha, L. (2015). Time budget, news search time cost, and news media choice. Time & Society, 24(2), 201-220.
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Comor, E. (2010). Digital prosumption and alienation. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization 10(3/4): 439-454.
Comor, E. (2011). Contextualizing and critiquing the fantastic prosumer: Power, alienation and hegemony. Critical Sociology 37(3): 309-327.
Denegri-Knott, J. & Zwick, D. (2012). Tracking prosumption work on eBay: Reproduction of desire and the challenge of slow re-McDonaldization. American Behavioral Scientist 56(4): 439-458.
Deuze, M. (2007). Convergence culture in the creative industries. International Journal of Cultural Studies 10(2): 243–63.
Diddi, A. & LaRose, R. (2006). Getting hooked on news: Uses and gratifications and the formation of news habits among college students in an Internet environment. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 50(2): 193–210.
Dumenco, S. (2010). Game theory: How (and why) Facebook, Twitter, etc., became recess for grown-ups Advertising Age 81(30): 16.
Dunne, A., Lawlor, M. & Rowley, J. (2010). Young people’s use of online social networking sites – a uses and gratifications perspective. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 4(1): 46-58l.
Hunt, D., Atkin, D., & Krishnan, A. (2012). The influence of computer-mediated communication apprehension on motive for facebook use. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 56 (2): 187-202.
Ha, L. & Yun, G.W. (2014). Digital divide in social media prosumption: Proclivity, production
intensity, and prosumer typology among college students and general population. Journal of Communication and Media Research 6(1): 45-62.
Jenkins, H. (2008). Convergence Culture. New York, NY: New York University Press.
Junco, R., Heiberger, G. & Loken, E. (2011). The effect of Twitter on college student engagement and grades. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 27(2): 119-132.
Lancaster, K., Hughes, C.E. & Spicer, B. (2012). News media consumption among young Australians: Patterns of use and attitudes towards media reporting. Media International Australia 143: 16-27.
Kujath, C, L. (2011). Facebook and MySpace: Complement or substitute for face-to-face interaction. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 14 (1-2): 75-78.
Li, X. (2011). Factors influencing the willingness to contribute information to online communities. New Media and Society 13(2): 279-296.
Lin, Y.C., Le, J., Khalil, S. & Cheng J. (2012). SNSs usage and work values: The example, of Facebook in Taiwan. Social Behavior and Personality 40 (2): 195-200.
Liu, H. (2008). Social network profiles as taste performances. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 13: 252-275.
Lee, C. S. & Ma, L. (2011). News sharing in SNSs: The effect of gratifications and prior experience. Computer in Human Behavior 28 (2): 331-339.
Lee, J.W.Y., Kim. B., Lee, T.L. & Kim, M.S. (2012). Uncovering the use of Facebook during an exchange program. China Media Research 8(4): 62-76.
MaQuail, D. (2005). MaQuail’s mass communication theory (5th edition). California: Sage Publications.
Moorcroft, D. (2008). Five suspicions about our profession. Strategic Communication Management, 12 (4): 1-7.
Nesbit, T. (2011). SNSs: In the work place and patterns of usage. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 5 (9): 61-80.
Pew Research Center. (2015a). Social Media Usage: 2005-2015. Retrieved May 21, 2016 from
Pew Research Center. (2015b). Social media update 2014. Retrieved May 21, 2016 from
Rey, P.J. (20120. Alienation, exploitation, and social media. American Behavioral Scientist 56(4): 399-420.
Rinaldo, S.B. & Tapp, S. (2011). Learning by tweeting: using Twitter as a pedagogical tool. Journal of marketing education 33(2): 193 – 203.
Purcell, K., Rainie, L., Mitchell, A., Rosenstiel, T. & Olmstead, K. (2010). Understanding the participatory news consumer: How Internet and cell phone users have turned news into a social experience. In P. R. Center (Ed.), Pew research center project for excellence in journalism (pp. 1–12). Washington, DC: Pew Research Center.
Rubin, A.M. & Perse, E.M. (1987). Audience activity and television news gratifications. Communication Research 14(1): 58–84.
Ruggiero, T.E. (2000). Uses and gratifications theory in the 21st century. Mass Communication and Society 3(1): 3–37.
Seufert, W. & Ehrenberg, M. (2007). Microeconomic consumption theory and individual media
use: Empirical evidence from Germany. Journal of Media Business Studies 4(3): 21-39.
Selnow, G.W. (1984). Playing video games; the electronic friend. Journal of Communication 34(2): 148-156.
Sheldon, P. (2008). Student favorite: Facebook and motive for its use. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal 23 (2): 39-53.
Shirky, C. (2009). Here comes everybody: The power of organizing without organizations. New York: Penguin.
Stefanone, M.A., Lackaff, D., & Rosen, D. (2010). The relationship between traditional mass media and SNSs: Reality television as a model for social network site behavior. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 54 (3): 508-525.
Turkle, S. (1996). Virtuality and its discontents: Searching for community in cyberspace. The American Prospect 24: 50-57.
Tapscott, D. & Williams, A. (2006). Wikinomics. New York, NY: Penguin.
Toffler, A. (1980). The Third Wave. New York: William Morrow and Company, INC.
Tiernan, P. (2014). A study of the use of Twitter by students for lecture engagement and discussion. Education and Information Technologies 19(4): 673 – 690.
Yazdanfar, S. & Aghili, S.V. (2011). An investigation of the role of the Internet in leisure time activities of Razi University students. Canadian Social Science 8(1):163-168.
Webster, J.G., Phalen, P., & Lichty, L. (2013). Ratings Analysis: Audience Measurement and Analytics. New York: Routledge.
Zhang, X. & Ha, L. (2015). Time budget, news search time cost, and news media choice. Time & Society, 24(2), 201-220.
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