Why do People Blog: A Q Analysis of Perceptions for Blogging


  • Clark Callahan
  • Tom Robinson
  • Kris Boyle
  • Jason Freeman


blog, new media, q-method


The purpose of this article is to understand user perceptions of new media formats, in this case blogging. While much of the blog research identifies blogging in terms of blog types, this research identifies user perceptions of why they like to blog. By applying Q-methodology to the blogging process, this research asked bloggers to rank subjective statements of blogging. Factor analyses were then applied to the rankings, which provided three
main user factors (perspectives) of blogging motivations: Memorians, Bonders, and Soap Boxers. These perspectives provide an alternative to traditional views of social media use and categories of subjective media experience.

Author Biographies

Tom Robinson


BYU School of Communications

Kris Boyle

Assistant Professor

BYU School of Communications

Jason Freeman

BYU School of Communications

Graduate Research Assistant


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