Follow Me: The Use of Social Media in Recruitment


  • Delores Alarcon Texas A&M University-San Antonio
  • Angela Villarreal Texas A&M University-San Antonio
  • Anna Waller Texas A&M University-San Antonio
  • Sandra DeGrassi Texas A&M University-San Antonio
  • Heather Staples Texas A&M University-San Antonio


Social media, recruitment, technology, human resources


The use of social media in the human resource arena continues to increase including a growing use of the internet for prescreening applicants during the recruitment process. With so many diverse social networking websites applicants use today, we explored how the social media phenomena affects employee recruitment. This study explored the effects of an applicant’s use of social media on the recruiter’s perception of the candidate and the overall impact on candidate selection. Using a survey method, information was gathered from human resources professionals from a variety of industries. Results support that social media impacts an applicant’s impression formation in the recruitment process, specifically that organization fit and recruiter perceived interpersonal skills in relation to social networking websites is highly correlated.


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Special Issue: Human Resources