Instagram and American Teens: Understanding Motives for Its Use and Relationship to Excessive Reassurance-Seeking and Interpersonal Rejection


  • Pavica Sheldon University of Alabama in Huntsville
  • Megan Newman University of Alabama in Huntsville


Instagram, social media, media effects, teens


Drawing from the uses and gratifications theory, this study explored how excessive reassurance-seeking (the tendency to repeatedly request reassurance from close others about one’s lovability and worth) and interpersonal rejection relate to Instagram use among minors. Participating were pre-teens and teens, ages 12 to 17 years. Results from structural equation modeling analysis revealed that teens who were driven by gratifications of self-promotion and creativity were more likely to suffer from excessive reassurance-seeking. Excessive reassurance-seeking also predicted the number of hours they spent on Instagram. In addition, those who experienced interpersonal rejection were more likely to use Instagram to escape from reality.

Author Biographies

Pavica Sheldon, University of Alabama in Huntsville

Associate Professor and Chair, Dept of Communication Arts

Megan Newman, University of Alabama in Huntsville

undergraduate student


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