“Modern Day Presidential:" Donald Trump and American Politics in the Age of Twitter


  • Devan Bissonette Walden University


Twitter, President Trump, social media, American politics, journalism


The increasing power of social media over American news and politics is difficult to ignore thanks to the visibility of President Trump’s tweets both on online and traditional media. This paper seeks to better understand the strategy behind Donald Trump’s use of Twitter both as a candidate and during his first year as president. Through a careful study of his tweets and their ability to take advantage of the specific user makeup on Twitter and the choice of mainstream media to often echo his tweets in their coverage, a consistent strategy emerges based on a combination of traditional advertising practice and radicalist discourse that continues to reshape the American political landscape today.

Author Biography

Devan Bissonette, Walden University

Dr. Devan Bissonette received his doctorate in 20th Century American Media History from Binghamton University in 2009. Previously he earned a Masters in Telecommunications from Michigan State University as well as a Bachelor’s in Political Science. His most recent publication, “The Promise and Perils of Asynchronous Learning: How Faculty, Students, and Administrators can Collaboratively Increase Retention and Satisfaction in the Online Classroom,” appeared in the Journal of Pedagogic Development in Fall 2017. Devan’s current research interests include the study of digital news narratives and the consequences of virtual discourse on the public. He has been teaching fully online since 2009, primarily in history, humanities, and film studies.


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