Snapchat vs. Instagram: Social Network Sites and Self-Disclosure Differences Before and After Use


  • Dong Hoo Kim
  • Joseph Cabosky University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Michelle Meyer University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


SNS, Self-Disclosure, Snapchat, Instagram


Every year, the number of social media users grows and so too does the use of different platforms. Scholarship continues to examine the impacts these platforms have on users’ behaviors and thought processes. This study examined the impacts social media usage has on one’s self-disclosure behaviors after using different platforms. As much scholarship has focused on Facebook and Twitter, this study attempted to bridge the gap in knowledge by examining the impacts of Instagram versus Snapchat, two platforms with different types of networks. Utilizing an experiment, participants were asked to interact with their respective social media platforms. Results showed that when using a more closed-network like Snapchat, users became more intentional in their sharing behaviors, whereas when using an open-network like Instagram, users became less likely to disclose information. Implications for theory and society are discussed.


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