Use of Social Media Networks and Perceptions of Firm-Generated Content in the Fitness Industry


  • Rebecca M. Achen Illinois State University


relationship marketing, social media marketing, interaction, social media engagement


Research on social media in the fitness industry has focused mostly on the impacts of images on body image and how interventions on social media can impact behavior change. Little research explores the managerial aspects of using social media in the fitness realm. This study explored how fitness facility members valued firm-generated content on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. After surveying 467 fitness facility members, descriptive statistics and regression analyses were run to determine if they valued content and what content valuations drove interaction on each network. Overall, consumers evaluated firm-generated content as relevant, useful, interesting, high quality, appropriate, important, and engaging. Content that was rated as high quality and important drove interactive behaviors on social media in general. Fitness managers should put resources into determining what content members perceive as important and creating high quality photos and videos to drive interaction with content.


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