Splashing Pink in Technology: Highlighting Young Women’s Participation in Social Media Production


  • Grace Yiseul Choi Columbia College Chicago


social media, motivation, gender, survey


This study seeks to examine gender differences in social media production, which can highlight young women’ relationships with digital technologies and identify a potential way to use social media to increase young women’s interests in technology.  Applying self-determination theory and using an online survey of young social media content creators (N = 545) who are 15-24 years old, findings from this study indicate that young women are actively participating in graphic production and have interests in beauty and fashion while young men were more active in video production and producing content about gaming and sports.  In addition, extrinsic motivation, especially tangible rewards, played a significant role in motivating young women to engage in social media production.  The implications for recognizing social media as significant technology activities and their potential to positively support young women’s exploration of interests are discussed.

Author Biography

Grace Yiseul Choi, Columbia College Chicago

Grace Y. Choi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Columbia College Chicago.


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