Social Media and News Gathering: Tapping into the Millennial Mindset


  • Harsha Gangadharbatla University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Laura F. Bright Texas Christian University
  • Kelty Logan University of Colorado at Boulder


News gathering, social networking, millennials, news credibility


Social media are transforming the way information travels within and between networks of individuals. Many pundits claim that individuals no longer seek news but instead news finds individuals, particularly on social media websites. The current study is an exploratory look at how one specific group of individuals—Gen Y—gathers news. Data was collected from an online survey and results indicate that Gen Y is increasingly relying on social media for information and news. Interestingly, despite their preference of social media for news gathering, young adults still perceive traditional media sources as more credible than social media sources. Other findings are presented, and both theoretical and practical implications are drawn. 

Author Biographies

Harsha Gangadharbatla, University of Colorado at Boulder

Associate Professor

School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Laura F. Bright, Texas Christian University

Assistant Professor

School of Journalism and Strategic Communication

The Bob Schieffer College of Communication

Kelty Logan, University of Colorado at Boulder

Assistant Professor

School of Journalism and Mass Communication


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