The Influence of Personality Factors and Motives on Photographic Communication


  • Daniel Scot Hunt Worcester State University
  • Eric Langstedt Mount Saint Mary College


photo messaging, photo sharing, personality traits, uses and gratifications, social media, NEO-PI-R


This study examined photographic communication within the uses and gratifications framework. Several personality factors were tested as predictors of motives for communicating via photographs. Memory, relationship maintenance, self-expression and relationship formation motives positively predicted photographic communication. Extraversion positively predicted most photo messaging use motives, while Neuroticism was a negative predictor of photo messaging use. The remaining three personality predictors, Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, and Conscientiousness also provided significant findings.

Author Biographies

Daniel Scot Hunt, Worcester State University

Daniel S. Hunt, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Communication at Worcester State University. His research examines motives for new media use and visual communication.

Eric Langstedt, Mount Saint Mary College

Eric Langstedt is an Assistant Professor of Communication Arts at Mount Saint Mary College. His research interests include the influence of personality traits on consumers and online behaviors.


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