Social Media Never Sleeps: Antecedents and Consequences of Social Media Fatigue Among Content Creators


  • Eunseon (Penny) Kwon Texas Christian University Bob Schieffer College of Communication
  • Ashley E. English Texas Christian University Bob Schieffer College of Communication
  • Laura F. Bright The University of Texas at Austin Moody College of Communication


Social media fatigue, Content creators, Digital strategy, Stressor-strain-outcome framework, Brand strategy and management


Social media use among private, nonprofit, and public sector organizations is on the rise with budgets for communicating in this space growing annually. Social media content creators use their professional skills in public relations, advertising, and marketing to grow consumer demand and maintain relationships. Although social media content creators serve as important connectors for organizations and stakeholders, the evidence is mounting that content creators are experiencing social media fatigue. While general social media users can withdraw from social media when feeling overwhelmed, what happens to those who work daily in the social media environment and rely on these platforms for their livelihood? To examine this important issue, we conducted focus groups and in-depth interviews with social media content creators in the private and public sectors. Our findings outline the antecedents and consequences of social media fatigue among content creators. We also discuss practical implications and offer suggestions to improve the work experience of these strategic communicators. 

Author Biographies

Eunseon (Penny) Kwon, Texas Christian University Bob Schieffer College of Communication

Assistant Professor 

Department of Strategic Communication

Ashley E. English, Texas Christian University Bob Schieffer College of Communication

Assistant Professor
Department of Strategic Communication

Laura F. Bright, The University of Texas at Austin Moody College of Communication

Associate Professor of Media Analytics

Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations


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