Parasocial Interactions Online: Candidate Intimacy in Webpages and Facebook


  • Stephanie G. Schartel Dunn Missouri Western State University
  • Gwendelyn S. Nisbett University of North Texas


Parasocial, Facebook, Politics


Research presented in this article assesses cognitive processing and behavioral outcome differences that occur when the public interacts with political candidates’ webpages as opposed to viewing their Facebook pages. Further, an exploration into perceptions individuals have of these candidates and the potential for developing parasocial relationships is pursued. Findings suggest that perceptions of intimacy are directly related to perceptions of candidates’ credibility and potential political action; these findings have clear implications on future political marketing strategies.

Author Biography

Stephanie G. Schartel Dunn, Missouri Western State University

Stephanie Schartel Dunn is an Assistant Professor at Missouri Western State University.


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