Social Media Use, Political Participation, and Civic Engagement in Election 2016


  • Hongwei "Chris" Yang Appalachian State University
  • Newly Paul University of North Texas
  • Jean L DeHart Appalachian State University


social media use, online and offline political participation, civic engagement, political self-efficacy, online social capital, trust


Immediately after Election 2016, an online survey of 3,810 US college students in a "swing state" shows that the general use of Facebook has a small, negative effect on U.S. college students’ online/offline political participation and civic engagement over and above six control variables and four demographic variables. The participants’ political use of Facebook is a much more important and positive predictor than their general use of Facebook for online/offline political participation and civic engagement even after controlling for six relevant variables and four demographic variables. Their online and offline political participation, and civic engagement were closely related. Their online social capital led to political use of Facebook but did not predict online/offline political participation and civic engagement. Additional interesting findings are also presented, theoretical and practical implications discussed.

Author Biographies

Hongwei "Chris" Yang, Appalachian State University

Hongwei “Chris” Yang (Ph.D., Southern Illinois University) is an associate professor of advertising in the Department of Communication at Appalachian State University. Dr. Yang is keenly interested in new media marketing (e.g., Internet, mobile, and social media marketing) and international advertising. He has published communication research in 21 peer-reviewed academic journals such as Social Media + Society, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Computer Information Systems, and International Journal of Mobile Marketing.

Newly Paul, University of North Texas

Newly Paul, (Ph.D., Louisiana State University), Assistant Professor of Journalism, Mayborn School of Journalism, University of North Texas, 1155 Union Circle #311460 Denton, TX 76203-5017, Tel: 940-369-5399, Dr. Paul’s research interests include political communication, race and gender in politics, and media coverage of elections. She has published communication research in 11 peer-reviewed academic journals.

Jean L DeHart, Appalachian State University

Jean L. DeHart (Ph.D., University of Georgia), Professor of Communication, Department of Communication, Appalachian State University, ASU Box 32039, Boone, NC 28608, Tel: 828-262-2402, Dr. Jean DeHart's research area is contemporary political communication, including political conflict. She teaches courses in Political Communication, Political Humor, Persuasion, and Interpersonal Communication. Her research has appeared in multiple books and journals, including the International Journal of

Intercultural Relations, and Communication Teacher.



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