Evaluating Podcast Compositions: Assessing Credibility, Challenges, and Innovation


  • David R. Nelson Valdosta State University
  • William V. Faux II Valdosta State University


podcast, composition, assessment, Internet, multimodal, media, higher education


With digital technology becoming a common feature in the classroom and research, podcasts become a valuable reference for both. Whether used as primary source material, illustrating faculty development, or functioning as a multi-media resource in the classroom, assessment tools are needed to evaluate podcasts. Current evaluation tools tend to focus on the production; therefore, an analytical framework focusing the quality of information presented via podcasts for use in research or as a teaching tool in the classroom is warranted. The guideline discussed in this project is based on five factors, each of which has a number of indicators to help gauge its quality and worth. The proposed rubric is a helpful tool that aids in the building of digital ethos for potential audiences outside the academy enabling action based learning and or community impact. 

Author Biographies

David R. Nelson, Valdosta State University

Department of Communication Arts, Associate Professor of Speech

William V. Faux II, Valdosta State University

Department of Communication Arts, Professor of Speech


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