Effects of Parasocial Interaction with an Instafamous Influencer on Brand Attitudes and Purchase Intentions


  • Carolyn A Lin Department of Communication University of Connecticut
  • Julia Crowe EditShare LLC
  • Louvins Pierre University of Connecticut
  • Yukyung Lee University of Connecticut


Brand Attitude, Opinion Leadership, Parasocial Interaction, Source Attractiveness, Source Expertise, Source Trustworthiness


Social media influencers are often seen as independent third-party endorsers who can utilize their blogs, tweets and other type of social media tools to influence the attitudes of their readers and followers. This study tested a model that assesses the effectiveness of an Instafamous influencer in promoting a product and facilitating consumer decision-making. Study participants (N=364) responded to Instagram posts of a social media influencer and measurement items of source credibility, PSI and brand attitudes. Results show that prior brand attitude is positively related to consumer evaluation of influencer credibility. While perceived influencer attractiveness and expertise positively predict PSI with the influencer, a higher level of PSI also significantly predicts greater influencer trustworthiness. Perceived influencer trustworthiness and attractiveness also have a significant impact on post-exposure brand attitude. PSI and post-exposure brand attitude, in turn, are significantly related to purchase intention.  


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