Do first encounters make or break new users?

Using text features in the first comment to predict new user return on Reddit



new user attrition, churn, Reddit, text analysis, sentiment analysis, online comments, social media, social feedback


Many new users quit a site after only one interaction. Existing studies of user return consider user characteristics and simple feedback like upvotes, while leaving potentially useful text data unstudied. Here, we analyze 700,000 first post/sole comment pairs on Reddit, with the goal of determining whether comments are related to return probabilities. Using two complementary text analysis techniques—text regression (CCS) and Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)—we demonstrate that information from the first comment a new user receives improves predictions of new user return. Our work serves as an example of useful predictive features being extracted from very short text comments, and also illustrates the importance of social feedback on the experiences of new users.

Author Biography

Emma Mary Klugman, Harvard University

Emma Klugman is a doctoral student in Education and Data Science at Harvard University.


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