Perceived Benefits of Participation in the “Class of” Facebook Pages


  • Jamie Daugherty University of Northern Colorado PhD Student
  • Rebecca Broghammer University of Northern Colorado PhD Student
  • Andrea DeCosmo University of Northern Colorado PhD Student
  • Paul Giberson University of Northern Colorado PhD Student
  • Matthew Birnbaum University of Northern Colorado


Facebook, social media, matriculation, transition, first-year students


Given its popularity, institutions are looking for ways to capitalize on Facebook to market, recruit, and engage students during the admission and matriculation processes. One approach is the development of “Class of” Facebook pages for admitted students. This interpretivist case study explores first-year students' perceptions of participating in a regional research university's "Class of" Facebook page. Uses and Gratification theory is used to identify the student needs being met through the use of these pages. Findings included students' benefit from these pages by seeking information, learning normative behaviors and developing a sense of community. 



Author Biographies

Jamie Daugherty, University of Northern Colorado PhD Student

Associate Professor, Johnson & Wales University

Rebecca Broghammer, University of Northern Colorado PhD Student

Event and Program Coordinator

Enrollment Management & Student Access, University of Northern Colorado

Andrea DeCosmo, University of Northern Colorado PhD Student

Math Department Faculty, Front Range Community College

Paul Giberson, University of Northern Colorado PhD Student

Transfer Student Services, Western State Colorado University

Matthew Birnbaum, University of Northern Colorado

  • Chair, Department of Leadership, Policy and Development: Higher Education and P-12 Education; HESAL program Coordinator; Associate Professor


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